Welcome to
The Awakened Woman
You’re here as you are now one of Earth’s Keeper, being chosen by your Awakened Woman, to Awaken yourself. As you know, you’re in here because you’re the holder of one of the sacred NFTs. The art is the gateway to SO MUCH MORE, so welcome to your Awakening.
The Awakened Woman is a thriving community focused on empowering women to live their most magnificent lives in all areas; Physically, Mentally, Spiritually & Financially.
As the lion’s portal opened on the 8th day of the 8th month, Gaia activated 5,555 women to Awaken as the Keepers of earth for her & humanity’s survival.
The mission?
For The Awakened Woman to collaborate, co-create & co-evolve as a collective bringing earth back into harmony & balance through the rise of the Feminine.
She is you.
You are her.
And here you ARE.

Before you begin. A reminder of the origin of 'her'
Since the beginning of time and the birth of humanity, earth has done her very best to keep the balance of the feminine and masculine energy balanced so harmony could reign and all of Gaia’s inhabitants could thrive.
But as hard as she has tried, she has watched throughout the history the masculine prevail leaving Gaia in survival mode with disharmony, disease & destruction at the forefront of each passing civilisation.
Aware that time is running out to save humanity & earth, the humanity & earth she dreamed of since her creation, she knew it was time to intervene.
So she sent The Awakened Woman.
As the lion’s portal opens on the 8th day of the 8th month, Gaia is activating 5,555 women to Awaken as the Keepers of earth for her & humanity’s survival.
The mission?
For The Awakened Woman to collaborate, co-create & co-evolve as a collective bringing heart back into harmony & balance through the rise of the Feminine.
The 5,555 are being activated to awaken to their truest nature & essence which is nature itself, the 5 elements of earth, water, fire, air & space transmit high vibrational frequencies within her allowing her to remember, rebalance & radiate .. ultimately healing the earth.
The Awakened Women are here to create a new way of being in the world, not being ‘given’ power but simply remembering how powerful they always were and leading & influencing in all facets of life, including Business, Government, Science, Education & Communities.
She has activated within her, her inner divine love, truth, and light and this is the time of full soul embodiment where she is overflowing with strength, courage & love to become the woman she has always had inside of her.
She isn’t here to just change the earth, she is the earth.

Live their most magnificent life

Boardroom Meetings
For NFT Holders

Anna Rose

Kell Quarrell
Business Masterclass

Coco Dee
Financial Literacy Library

Abby Lewtas
Introduction to Astrology