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Hi, I'm Anna

And I am the proud Founder of The Awakened Woman NFT & this Hub you now get access to forever – or until you choose to on sell your Awakened Woman NFT.

This space is all about your AWAKENING. You see I am simply Gaia’s messenger, and she tasked me with the big but beautiful job of helping you remember your innate power & wisdom that you have always had within.

That remembrance can now be unearthed in this sacred space. The foundation to it all, begins with The Awakened Woman core course, now available in your log in area, but the space is going to grow, with incredible Female Coaches, Experts & Guides in their own zones of genius who will continue to help you to unlock your limitless potential and become the woman you were always born to be.

Are you ready? Beautiful guess what? You were BORN ready.

Let’s begin.

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Who is the woman behind the Vision?

Hello loves. Whether you are here from the get go and minted an Awakened Woman unlocking this sacred portal or you have heard about the project in months, years or decades to come and bought in; Welcome.

If you are here, it’s because you are meant to be, and it’s a privilege and honour to welcome you personally into The Awakened Woman Hub.

I’m Anna, the Co-Founder of The Awakened Woman and a Coach, your Coach here in The Awakened Woman Hub.

My entire life lead me to this vision and this moment, and you being here with me now, reading these words no matter how or when you have found us is by no coincidence.

The Awakened Woman name came from my own journey since 2010 where I hit my own rock bottom. I have a big wild story on my childhood with lot’s of devastation along the way (don’t we all?) but that culminated in me hitting my worst physically, financially, emotionally & spiritually at 22. I decided I had Two options, I could go harder down the path of destruction and pain, or, I could choose to Love myself instead and Awaken my true potential. Phenomenally, I chose the latter and here YOU are now because of that.

I’m a woman in her truest power. Who thrives daily in her physical, financial, emotional & spiritual health, and I am a woman deeply proud of that fact.

My Vision & Mission now however is I deeply want to help you do the same. THRIVE in all areas of their life and to step in to your true power & potency.

This is about YOUR story now. I’m here to help you write (or rewrite) your own.

How I have done that, is through my own Awakening. Through taking control of my Mind, Body, Self-Love, Finances and of course, Destiny and it’s my privilege & honour to be able to walk you through that process with the Foundational course offered in this hub.

The vision I have for this Hub is Monumental, I have the honour of kicking it off at mint of The Awakened Woman, but there is so very much more coming and I truly know it’s going to be the most empowering, educational hub on the internet for women.

So don’t delay. Go. Dive in. It’s YOUR time now. And I cannot wait to support and love you through your own Awakening.

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